SacrificeMimi's Followed Works

Token of Loyalty

Token of Loyalty

  • Fantasy
  • LQBTQ+
  • Dark
  • Romance

*Book One of the Amor Fati Series* 

Prince Calanthe Ámarent, once the child of a beloved queen regnant and now a disgraced prince, is forced to play a part in a devious scheme that puts his life in the hands of others.


The small kingdom of Eglantine has fallen under the control of the Tarynians: the dreaded conquerors of Gharash. Each kingdom must produce a token of loyalty to give to the Tarynians as a sign of good faith and loyalty. Young Prince Calanthe is chosen by his aunt Queen Hyacinth to be the sacrifice that saves Eglantine from the worst of the Tarynian King's rage. However, nowhere in this plan does Calanthe see himself coming out alive. Hyacinth forces Calanthe to play along to distract the Mad Tarynian King Sindri from the brewing trouble in the East. Calanthe is taken away from his home and back to Taryn where he finds life is not as bleak as he thought. He begins to deconstruct the lies he had been told his entire life and learns to be confident in himself until devastation strikes. Calanthe must make a decision that he has never made before. He must choose between Eglantine or the Tarynians before it is too late, and all hope is lost in Gharash.

[ Content Warning: explicit sexual scenes, intense violence, mentions of abuse and trauma, and vulgar language ]
[ This story covers topics that may be triggering to certain audiences ]

Aiden Outlaw
15 chapters
صوت في الظلال †

صوت في الظلال †

  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Mystery
  • Drama

فتح فمه ليشتمه لكن تم اسكاته بقُبلة ناعمة ..

صُدم واحمر خجلاً حاول أن يكسر القُبلة و يبتعد عنه لكن تلك الذراع المرعبة حول خصره جذبتهُ أكثر ..


لندن - عام 1918 -
(جوناثان ريد) الطبيب الذي تحول إلى مصاص دماء مُمزق بين قسم أبقراط وطبيعتهِ المتعطشة للدماء يقع في حب الصياد العنيد (جيفري ماكلوم) قائد حرس البريوين الذي أقسم على قتل مصاصي الدماء وتطهير لندن من هذا الجنس الحقير. 

يكافح جوناثان للسيطرة على شهيته للدم ورغبته الشديدة في هذا الرجل المتعصب الاثنان نوعان مختلفان تمامًا ومتقاطعان ولا يمكن أن يكونا معًا بسبب طبيعتهما فكيف ستكون علاقتهما المعادية لبعضهما البعض.



وجب التنبيه هذه القصة تحتوي على علاقة من نفس الجنس ومشاهد جنسية لاحقاً في مسار القصة  لذا إن كنت لا تحب هذا النوع عزيزي القارئ أو عزيزتي القارئه فلتغادروا ..




 Fr VampŶr

juli kidman
20 chapters
The Evil God

The Evil God

  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Supernatural
  • Drama
  • Smut
  • Romance

Rook is the god of evil, darkness, and death. His existence is a curse, his very presence a poison. His love is toxic, and all who make the mistake of loving him meet unfortunate ends, typically by his own hand.

When someone begins targeting Rook by poisoning the main river of the god realm, Rook is annoyed, but not surprised. The list of people who hate him is long, and any one of them could have a grudge.

Unfortunately, the incident is large enough to catch the attention of the king of the realm. Idris, god of light and creation. Rook isn't particularly fond of Idris, for several reasons, and Idris doesn't hold any affection for him either.

So why, just why, has Idris, ruler of the gods, brought Rook, scum of the earth, to his own personal palace for "protection"?

*Note: this work contains mature themes and content, some of which may be triggering for some readers. Please heed the chapter warnings.

42 chapters
Rifter's Covenant

Rifter's Covenant

  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • BL

When the first rifts appeared twenty years ago, life changed drastically for humanity. Fierce battles for survival with foreign beasts became part of everyday life. The people who survived, their first unwilling venture into a rift, came known as “rifters”. Since then, it’s been their job to protect civilians from the rift’s dangers - if they want it or not.

As Duncan and his friends enter another rift as planned, they expected nothing more than a fierce fight to destroy the rift's connector, like many times before. But what lurked in this rift was too much for their group to take. With an enemy that they cannot overcome and all their lives on the line, Duncan receives an offer he cannot refuse. Little did he knew how this covenant would flip his life around. When he realizes what this deal really entails, he starts to wonder if dying would have been the better choice instead. 

Updates with 3 Episodes every Sunday 11:00 am PST. 
Number of scheduled episodes so far: 98 Episodes

Story by Jastra
Cover Art by vivi len

For interested people, here is a discord server available:

106 chapters
Sweet Silence

Sweet Silence

  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Romance

Sage is a villain. Not by choice. It just sort of turned out that way, but hey, he's not complaining. Being bad is pretty cool, actually. And while by most people's standards his superpower is pretty lame - muting sound, of all things - he's found it pretty useful when robbing the rich. 

Most heroes ignore him. Except one. Lich, the necromancer. Sage didn't know how talking to the dead was considered heroic, but whatever. That's not the problem. The problem is that Lich apparently has a homing beacon locked on Sage specifically, and he keeps getting in Sage's way, despite most heroes not bothering to deal with the small-time villain committing petty theft.

It was annoying, but fine. Sage wasn't all that active in the villainy community anymore anyway. He had just turned thirty, and quite frankly, he was done with this shit. But still, he wanted to go out with a bang, so he planned his final heist: robbing the most powerful man in the city, the governor.

Except, when Sage broke into the governor's house all he found was the governor - dead as a doornail. What's worse is that for the first time in Sage's life, he was no longer invisible. He was found standing over the body, murder weapon in hand.

Now, the entire city of Fairview wants Sage dead, and the only person on earth who can clear his name is his very own necromancer nemesis. For how much they fight, Lich is surprisingly on board with helping Sage...

And so, the two embark on a quest to discover the real killer and clear Sage's name, but the trail leads them to discover some of Fairview's most well-kept and dangerous secrets...


34 chapters


  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Adult
  • Romance

اليوم الذي علم فيه كاي أنه نصف إنسان ونصف عريس بحر، وأنه المفتاح لإنهاء حرب دموية دامت 100 عام، هو أيضًا اليوم الذي عَلم فيه المحيط بأكمله بوجوده. لسنوات أبقته عائلته مخفيًا عن العالم، ولكن الآن أقوى وأخطر عريس بحر في البحار السبعة وجد كاي، .وهو الآن قادم إلى السطح من أجله

لضمان النصر، يجب على الملك ماريوس الفاتح القبض على أمير آستريا الهجين، العدوة الأكبر لأمته، والمطالبة به كرفيق له من أجل امتصاص قوته قبل أن يتعلم استخدامها. لكن هناك مشكلة واحدة فقط: لا يوجد شيء يكرهه ماريوس أكثر من جنس البشر، ولا حتى آستري، وكاي هو كلا الأمرين. ولكن عندما يرى ماريوس كاي الجميل ويصطدم بالسيوف معه، يبدأ دم الملك ذو الدم البارد في الغليان للمرة الأولى.

عندما يهاجم كاي شخص غريب وسيم بالسيف، بدلاً من الركض، يقاتل كاي على الرغم من أنه يعلم أنه ليس ندًا. بعد هزيمته، يتم اختطاف كاي إلى عالم لم يكن يعلم بوجوده من قبل ويتم احتجازه رغماً عنه. بعد دفعه إلى عالم مائي سري وخطير، يجب على كاي أن يتعلم السباحة باستخدام الذيل بدلاً من الأرجل وتجنب هجمات الملك القوي إذا كان يريد إنقاذ شعب البحر من الإبادة.

1 chapters