SacrificeMimi's Followed Works

Shaded Soldiers || MxM || Omegaverse
Riley Steele, a 26 year old omega, is ready to do whatever it takes to get accepted into a special unit in the army full of alphas, and the people standing in his way are not shy to take advantage of that. With no choice but to accept the abuse, Riley's wish comes true, and he is finally allowed to join Tactical Team 07 with a promise his life will always be hell, and the people he should be most afraid of are not the domestic terrorists trying to bring back the good old ages when omegas had less rights than tablespoons. No...
It's his allies he needs to be afraid of.
But maybe this team, TT-07, is different. Maybe these alphas don't mind fighting with an omega. Maybe they don't see him as fair game, a toy to use. Maybe his new partner, a grumpy older alpha, Reid Bishop, doesn't actually hate his guts like it first seems.
Maybe he has found his family in this team. Maybe they see him as their brother, as equal.
But it is certain there are people who hate to see a strong, skilled omega in their precious elite alpha army, and will do whatever it takes to ruin him and break his spirit.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death, Non-consensual sex (non-graphic)
Ream subscribers will get more goodies from early access to additional chapters, plenty of smut scenes, art, and even more! Link in my profile!

Rifter's Covenant
When the first rifts appeared twenty years ago, life changed drastically for humanity. Fierce battles for survival with foreign beasts became part of everyday life. The people who survived, their first unwilling venture into a rift, came known as “rifters”. Since then, it’s been their job to protect civilians from the rift’s dangers - if they want it or not.
As Duncan and his friends enter another rift as planned, they expected nothing more than a fierce fight to destroy the rift's connector, like many times before. But what lurked in this rift was too much for their group to take. With an enemy that they cannot overcome and all their lives on the line, Duncan receives an offer he cannot refuse. Little did he knew how this covenant would flip his life around. When he realizes what this deal really entails, he starts to wonder if dying would have been the better choice instead.
Updates with 3 Episodes every Sunday 11:00 am PST.
Number of scheduled episodes so far: 98 Episodes
Story by Jastra
Cover Art by vivi len
For interested people, here is a discord server available:

اليوم الذي علم فيه كاي أنه نصف إنسان ونصف عريس بحر، وأنه المفتاح لإنهاء حرب دموية دامت 100 عام، هو أيضًا اليوم الذي عَلم فيه المحيط بأكمله بوجوده. لسنوات أبقته عائلته مخفيًا عن العالم، ولكن الآن أقوى وأخطر عريس بحر في البحار السبعة وجد كاي، .وهو الآن قادم إلى السطح من أجله
لضمان النصر، يجب على الملك ماريوس الفاتح القبض على أمير آستريا الهجين، العدوة الأكبر لأمته، والمطالبة به كرفيق له من أجل امتصاص قوته قبل أن يتعلم استخدامها. لكن هناك مشكلة واحدة فقط: لا يوجد شيء يكرهه ماريوس أكثر من جنس البشر، ولا حتى آستري، وكاي هو كلا الأمرين. ولكن عندما يرى ماريوس كاي الجميل ويصطدم بالسيوف معه، يبدأ دم الملك ذو الدم البارد في الغليان للمرة الأولى.
عندما يهاجم كاي شخص غريب وسيم بالسيف، بدلاً من الركض، يقاتل كاي على الرغم من أنه يعلم أنه ليس ندًا. بعد هزيمته، يتم اختطاف كاي إلى عالم لم يكن يعلم بوجوده من قبل ويتم احتجازه رغماً عنه. بعد دفعه إلى عالم مائي سري وخطير، يجب على كاي أن يتعلم السباحة باستخدام الذيل بدلاً من الأرجل وتجنب هجمات الملك القوي إذا كان يريد إنقاذ شعب البحر من الإبادة.